Saturday, September 4, 2010

Topographic Map

A topographic map is, according to the University of Washington, maps which, "Render the three-dimensional ups and downs of the terrain on a two-dimensional surface, through the use of contour lines to portray the shape and elevation of the land."

This is a topographic map with the Ukraine region highlighted.  This map has major cities marked as well as a dimmer view of bordering nations and bodies of water.  Notice the change in color as the type of terrain changes.  Blue would symbolize water; green-vegetation, etc.  The white lines are symbolic of the borders between the nations and the mountain range, through Romania and the Ukraine, is marked with a powdery white, as the mountains are topped with snow because of the frigid conditions found at that altitude.

The website below is for reference purposes for information gained by the University of Washington's website:

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