Sunday, December 5, 2010

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

These are two examples of range graded proportional maps.  Range graded proportional circle maps have distinctly measured symbols that correspond with the numeric equivalents shown on the legend which contain a low and high value for each symbol.  Unlike proportional circle maps; the symbols do not gradually expand as the data range increases in value.

Lorenze Curve

This Lorenz curve shows the frequency of concentration of Dhaka City Corporation Slum in Bangladesh.

The Lorenz Curve is used to show inequality by creating a graphical representation which appears to prove inequality by showing the proportion of distribution.  The Lorenz Curve was created to be used for economic purposes.

Black and White Aerial Photo

image preview

This black and white aerial photograph is of Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island.  Black and white aerial photographs are extremely clear and can be updated with color by superimposing a color photograph onto the black and white.  Black and white aerial photography offers a more realistic picture for referencing things on the ground because colors on the ground sometimes are reproduced falsely when the film is developed.  For instance; green objects, except for vegetation, may appear blue after the film is developed.

Parallel Coordinate Plot

This parallel coordinate graph shows the frequency of votes, by county, in order to view the percentage of people who voted for  John Kerry and George W. Bush during their presidential election.

A parallel coordinate plot allows for the viewing of multiple variables as they relate to set perameters.  This type of plot could be used to track the sales percentages of automobiles, by manufacturer, over a period of time and in different locations.

Correlation Matrix

Shown is a picture of multi-color picture that represents correlated dynamics between all pairs of proteins for a simple virus, phage T7.  Correlated behavior ranges from high (red) to low (blue)

This correlation matrix is a calculated protein correlation matrix for phage T7, which is capable of infecting other bacteria cells which are susceptable.

A correlation matrix is a data set which shows the correlation of all data sets entered into the matrix and is used often in the medical and chemistry fields.

Standardized Choropleth Map

Figure 3.1 Standard choropleth map

This standardized choropleth map shows the percentage of the population in Canada which is fourteen years old or younger.

Standardized choropleth maps are used to show aerial viewed data by average.

Univariate Choropleth Maps

This map shows the frequency of people living in poverty, in the year 2000, separated by county.

A univariate choropleth map is a map which shows only one unit of data.  The unit of data could be whatever the map maker wishes.